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Meghan Markle's Recent Weight Gain: Possible Causes and How She's Embracing Body Positivity

Meghan Markle Weight Gain

Meghan Markle's weight gain has been a topic of discussion. The Duchess of Sussex has been open about her struggles with body image.

Oh, the horror! The scandalous news has hit the tabloids, and the world is abuzz with the latest update on Meghan Markle's weight gain. Yes, you heard that right. The Duchess of Sussex has packed on a few pounds, and the internet is losing its mind. But before we jump to any conclusions or start body shaming, let's take a closer look at what's really going on.

Firstly, let's get one thing straight- gaining weight is not a crime. It's a natural process that can happen due to various reasons. In Meghan's case, it could be stress, hormonal changes, or simply indulging in some delicious treats. We all have been there, haven't we? So, why are we making such a big deal out of it?

Perhaps, it's because we live in a world that glorifies thinness and equates it with beauty. A world where women are constantly under pressure to conform to unrealistic standards and are judged for every inch they put on. Meghan, being a public figure, is unfortunately not immune to this scrutiny.

But let's not forget that Meghan is more than just her appearance. She is a compassionate humanitarian, an accomplished actress, a loving wife, and a devoted mother. Her worth is not defined by her weight or size, and we must respect that.

Moreover, Meghan has always been an advocate for body positivity and self-love. She has spoken openly about her struggles with body image and how she learned to accept herself the way she is. Her message of inclusivity and diversity is something we should all strive to emulate.

So, instead of criticizing Meghan for gaining weight, let's support her in her journey towards self-care and happiness. Let's celebrate her for all the incredible work she has done and continues to do. Let's focus on her achievements rather than her appearance.

After all, Meghan is just like any other woman who goes through ups and downs in life. She deserves our empathy and kindness, not our judgment and ridicule.

In conclusion, let's stop obsessing over Meghan's weight gain and start appreciating her for the amazing person she is. Let's break free from the toxic beauty standards and embrace diversity in all its forms. Let's be kind to ourselves and others, and spread love and positivity wherever we go.


Have you noticed that Meghan Markle has gained some weight lately? Well, it's not just your imagination. The Duchess of Sussex has indeed put on some pounds, and the media is all over it. But let's face it, haven't we all been there? We've all had those moments where we've indulged a little too much and gained a few extra pounds. So, let's not judge Meghan for her weight gain and instead, let's take a humorous look at the situation.

The Royal Diet

When you're a member of the royal family, you have to follow certain protocols, and that includes your diet. Meghan may have found it challenging to stick to the strict royal diet, which consists of small portions and no carbs. It's no surprise that she gave in to her cravings and gained some extra weight.

The Stress of Royalty

Becoming a member of the royal family is no easy feat. The constant scrutiny from the media and public can take a toll on anyone's mental health. Meghan may have turned to food as a source of comfort during these stressful times. Who can blame her? A pint of ice cream can make everything better.

Pregnancy Weight

Meghan gave birth to her son Archie in May 2019, and it's common for new mothers to gain weight during pregnancy. The Duchess may have struggled to lose the baby weight, which is understandable. After all, taking care of a newborn is a full-time job, and hitting the gym isn't always a top priority.

Foodie at Heart

We all know that Meghan is a foodie at heart. She's even released a cookbook with recipes from women affected by the Grenfell Tower fire. It's no surprise that she enjoys indulging in delicious meals, and who can blame her? Life is too short not to enjoy good food.

Body Positivity

Meghan has always been an advocate for body positivity and self-love. She's spoken openly about her struggles with body image in the past and how she's learned to embrace her body. Perhaps Meghan's weight gain is a way for her to practice what she preaches and show that it's okay to have a little extra weight.

The Pressure to Bounce Back

As a member of the royal family, there's a lot of pressure to look your best at all times. After giving birth, there's even more pressure to bounce back and lose the baby weight quickly. Meghan may have felt this pressure, but she's proving that it's okay to take your time and focus on your health.

Healthy Habits

Despite her weight gain, Meghan has been promoting healthy habits. She's been spotted doing yoga, which is great for both physical and mental health. She's also been encouraging people to drink more water, which is essential for staying hydrated and maintaining a healthy weight.

It's Not Just Meghan

The media loves to focus on women's weight, but let's not forget that men also gain weight. Prince Harry has also put on some pounds in recent years, but no one seems to be talking about it. It's time to stop the double standard and focus on what really matters - our health and happiness.

Celebrating Our Bodies

At the end of the day, our bodies are amazing. They allow us to do incredible things, like run a marathon or give birth to a child. Instead of focusing on our flaws, let's celebrate our bodies and all that they can do. So, cheers to Meghan and her beautiful body!


Meghan Markle's weight gain may be making headlines, but it shouldn't be. Let's focus on what really matters - our health and happiness. Whether we're a member of the royal family or not, we all have moments where we indulge a little too much and gain some extra weight. So, let's embrace our bodies and love ourselves just the way we are.

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Breaking News: Meghan Markle's Love for Avocado Toast Leads to Weight Gain

It's no secret that Meghan Markle loves avocado toast. She's been spotted eating it on multiple occasions and even has a recipe for it on her now-defunct blog, The Tig. But her love for this trendy breakfast staple may be contributing to her expanding waistline. Avocado toast is delicious, but it's also high in calories and fat. Perhaps Meghan should switch to something a little lighter, like a bowl of fruit or some Greek yogurt.

Belly Up to the Royal Buffet: How Meghan Markle Became a Foodie Queen

Before marrying Prince Harry, Meghan Markle was known for her healthy lifestyle. She ran a wellness website, practiced yoga, and even wrote a cookbook. But since joining the royal family, she seems to have embraced the more indulgent side of British cuisine. Meghan Markle's Royal Secret: A Closet Full of Stretchy Pants may be the reason why she's able to indulge in all the delicious foods the UK has to offer without worrying about her waistline.

The Duchess' Delight: Meghan Markle's Obsession with British Pudding

One dessert that Meghan Markle can't seem to get enough of is British pudding. She's been spotted eating it at royal events and even served it at her wedding reception. While delicious, this creamy dessert is not exactly low in calories. But hey, if you're going to indulge, you might as well do it with the best.

Stress Eating? Meghan Markle's New Role as a Royal has her Packing on the Pounds

Becoming a member of the royal family is no easy feat. There are endless public appearances, strict schedules, and intense scrutiny from the press. It's no wonder that Meghan Markle may be turning to food for comfort. Stress eating is a common problem, and it's understandable why Meghan would turn to food during this transition in her life.

Why Meghan Markle's Weight Gain is Actually a Win for Women Everywhere

Despite the criticism and gossip surrounding Meghan Markle's weight gain, there's actually a positive side to this story. Meghan Markle is a woman who embraces her curves and isn't afraid to indulge in delicious foods. In a society that often values thinness above all else, Meghan's refusal to conform to these standards is refreshing. She's showing women everywhere that it's okay to love your body and enjoy food without shame. So, let's raise a glass of British pudding to Meghan Markle and her journey to self-love.

Meghan Markle's Weight Gain: A Funny Take on the Duchess's Figure

The Tale of Meghan's Growing Curves

It has been quite some time since Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, has captured the hearts of the world. Ever since she married Prince Harry and became part of the royal family, people have been keeping an eye on her every move. But one thing that has caught everyone's attention is her weight gain.

From the time she first stepped into the spotlight, Meghan was known for her slim and toned figure. But as the years went by, she started putting on a few extra pounds. The media couldn't help but notice and started speculating about the reason behind her weight gain.

Theories Behind Meghan's Weight Gain

There are many theories floating around about why Meghan Markle has been packing on the pounds. Here are some of the most popular ones:

  1. She's Pregnant: This is the most obvious reason for her weight gain. After all, she and Prince Harry do have a baby boy named Archie. But some people believe that she might be pregnant again, which is causing her to put on weight.
  2. She's Stressed: Being a part of the royal family is not easy. Meghan has been under constant scrutiny from the media, which can take a toll on anyone's mental health. Some people believe that her weight gain might be a result of stress eating.
  3. She's Happy: Another theory is that Meghan is just happy and content with her life. She has a loving husband, a beautiful baby boy, and a successful career. Maybe she's just enjoying life and indulging in her favorite foods.

A Funny Take on Meghan's Weight Gain

While it's natural for people to gain weight over time, the media has been particularly harsh on Meghan Markle. But instead of criticizing her, let's take a humorous approach and embrace her curves. After all, she looks beautiful no matter what size she is.

Here are some funny things that people have been saying about Meghan's weight gain:

  • Meghan Markle is proof that you can be a princess and still have cheat days.
  • Meghan Markle is the only person who can make the royal family seem relatable.
  • Meghan Markle's weight gain is just a sign that she's living her best life.


Meghan Markle's weight gain might be a topic of discussion for the media, but it's important to remember that she's a human being just like the rest of us. Whether she's pregnant, stressed, or happy, we should embrace her curves and celebrate her for who she is. After all, beauty comes in all shapes and sizes.

Keywords Definition
Meghan Markle The Duchess of Sussex and wife of Prince Harry
Weight gain The increase in body weight over time
Humorous voice and tone A lighthearted and funny way of speaking or writing
Table information A way of presenting data in rows and columns for easy reference

So, What Have We Learned About Meghan Markle's Weight Gain?

Well, folks, it seems like the world is still as obsessed with Meghan Markle's weight gain as ever. But let's take a step back and think about what we've really learned from all of this.

First of all, we've learned that the media will jump on any opportunity to shame a woman for gaining weight. Even a woman who is pregnant and going through one of the most transformative experiences of her life.

But we've also learned that Meghan Markle is a total badass who doesn't give a damn about what anyone thinks of her body. She's been spotted wearing form-fitting dresses and rocking her pregnancy curves with confidence and grace.

And you know what? That's something we should all aspire to. We should all strive to be as comfortable in our own skin as Meghan Markle is in hers.

Of course, there are some practical lessons we can take away from this whole debacle as well. For example:

- Pregnancy weight gain is normal and healthy.

- Women's bodies are not public property, and we have no right to comment on or criticize someone else's appearance.

- It's important to prioritize our own health and well-being over societal expectations and beauty standards.

Ultimately, the Meghan Markle weight gain scandal is just another reminder of how messed up our culture's relationship with body image really is. But if we can learn to love and accept ourselves as we are, we can start to change the conversation and create a more inclusive and compassionate world.

So to all the Meghan Markle haters out there: keep your negative comments to yourself and let the woman enjoy her pregnancy in peace. And to everyone else: keep on rockin' those curves and don't let anyone tell you how you should look or feel!

Thanks for stopping by, and remember to love yourself and others unconditionally!

People Also Ask About Meghan Markle Weight Gain

What is Meghan Markle's weight gain?

Well, we don't have an exact number. But hey, who cares about her weight? She's a beautiful and accomplished woman, let's focus on that instead.

Why did Meghan Markle gain weight?

Who knows? Maybe she discovered the joys of ice cream (we can relate) or maybe she's been stress eating because of all the media attention. Either way, it's none of our business.

Is Meghan Markle ashamed of her weight gain?

Again, we don't know for sure. But we hope not! Body positivity is important and we should all embrace our bodies at any size.

Does Meghan Markle plan on losing weight?

That's up to her! Whether she decides to lose weight or not, she's still a badass duchess and we love her just the same.

Should we be talking about Meghan Markle's weight gain at all?

Nope! Let's focus on her incredible charity work, her fashion sense, and her adorable relationship with Prince Harry. Her weight is irrelevant and frankly, it's nobody's business but her own.

In summary, Meghan Markle's weight gain is not something we should be concerned about. Let's celebrate her accomplishments instead and stop obsessing over her appearance.