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How Much Does Andy Reid Weigh? Discover the Exact Weight of the Kansas City Chiefs Coach!

How Much Does Andy Reid Weight

Curious about the weight of NFL coach Andy Reid? Find out how much he weighs and how he manages his health and fitness in this article.

Are you curious about how much weight Andy Reid carries on his shoulders? Well, let me tell you, it's not just the weight of leading a team to victory that he's carrying. This man is known for his love of food and has been seen chowing down on everything from cheeseburgers to barbecue ribs. But just how much does all of that deliciousness add up to?

Firstly, let's take a look at Andy Reid's history with food. This isn't a man who just eats to live, he lives to eat. In fact, he once stated that he could eat 40 chicken wings in one sitting! That's right, 40 wings! It's no surprise that he's gained a bit of a reputation for being a big guy.

But don't let his love for food fool you, Andy Reid is a force to be reckoned with on the field. He's led multiple teams to Super Bowl victories and has a winning record that any coach would envy. So, while his weight may be a talking point, it certainly doesn't hinder his ability to coach a winning team.

Now, let's get to the question at hand - just how much does Andy Reid weigh? According to reports, he weighs in at around 350 pounds. That's a whole lot of man to be moving around the field, but as we've already established, he's more than capable of doing so.

It's worth noting that Andy Reid's weight has been a topic of conversation for years. Some people criticize him for his size, claiming that it sets a bad example for his players. Others argue that his weight has no impact on his coaching abilities and that it's unfair to judge him based on his appearance.

Regardless of where you stand on the issue, there's no denying that Andy Reid is a larger than life figure both on and off the field. His size may be a talking point, but it's his coaching skills that have kept him in the game for so long.

In conclusion, while it's true that Andy Reid weighs in at around 350 pounds, it's important to remember that his weight doesn't define him. He's a successful coach with a passion for food and a winning record to back it up. So, the next time you see him chowing down on some barbecue ribs, just remember that he's earned the right to enjoy them.

Introduction: The Curiosity of Andy Reid’s Weight

Andy Reid, the head coach of the Kansas City Chiefs, is a well-known personality in the world of American football. He has led his team to numerous victories and has become a respected figure in the sport. However, one question that has been on the minds of many is: How much does Andy Reid weigh?

This question has sparked curiosity among fans and critics alike. Some speculate that he must weigh over 400 pounds, while others believe that he is a relatively average weight for his height and build. In this article, we will attempt to answer this question and provide some insight into the life and career of Andy Reid.

The Early Years of Andy Reid

Andy Reid was born in Los Angeles, California, on March 19, 1958. He spent most of his childhood in the city of Los Feliz, where he attended John Marshall High School. During his high school years, Reid played football and basketball, which helped him develop a passion for sports. After graduating from high school, he attended Glendale Community College, where he continued to play football.

Reid later transferred to Brigham Young University, where he played offensive guard for the school’s football team. He graduated from BYU in 1981 with a degree in physical education. After graduation, he began his coaching career as a graduate assistant at the school.

The Coaching Career of Andy Reid

Andy Reid’s coaching career began in 1982 when he became an assistant coach at San Francisco State University. He then held various assistant coaching positions at different universities before becoming the tight ends coach for the Green Bay Packers in 1992.

In 1999, Reid was hired as the head coach of the Philadelphia Eagles. During his tenure with the Eagles, Reid led the team to five NFC Championship games and one Super Bowl appearance. He was also named the NFL Coach of the Year in 2000.

Reid left the Eagles in 2013 and was hired as the head coach of the Kansas City Chiefs. Since then, he has led the team to three AFC Championship games and one Super Bowl victory.

The Weight of Andy Reid

Now, let’s get down to the question that everyone wants to know: How much does Andy Reid weigh?

According to various sources, including ESPN and Men’s Health, Andy Reid weighs between 300 and 350 pounds. While this may seem like a lot, it’s important to note that Reid is 6’3” tall, which means he has a larger frame than most people.

It’s also worth noting that Reid has struggled with his weight throughout his life. In fact, during his early coaching years, he was known for being significantly overweight. However, in recent years, he has made an effort to improve his health and lose weight.

The Health of Andy Reid

As mentioned earlier, Andy Reid has struggled with his weight throughout his life. This can be a serious issue, as obesity is associated with numerous health problems, including heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

To combat these issues, Reid has made an effort to improve his health over the years. He has worked with nutritionists and personal trainers to develop a healthier lifestyle, and he has even undergone gastric bypass surgery to help him lose weight.

Despite these efforts, however, Reid has still experienced some health issues. In 2020, he was hospitalized after experiencing some discomfort, and it was later revealed that he had undergone a procedure to address a blocked artery.

Conclusion: The Legacy of Andy Reid

Andy Reid is a legendary figure in the world of American football. He has achieved numerous accomplishments throughout his coaching career, including leading teams to championship games and Super Bowl victories.

While his weight has been a topic of discussion among fans and critics, it’s important to remember that he is more than just a number on a scale. He is a dedicated coach who has worked tirelessly to achieve success in his career, despite facing numerous challenges along the way.

In the end, the legacy of Andy Reid will be defined by his accomplishments and his impact on the sport of football. And regardless of how much he weighs, there’s no denying that he has left an indelible mark on the game.

Andy Reid: The Real 'Big Red'

When it comes to football coaches, Andy Reid stands out not just for his impressive coaching record but also for his size. Standing 6 feet 3 inches tall, the scale weighs in fear at the thought of measuring his weight. But just how much does the man himself weigh?

The Weight Debate: Football vs. Cake

As a football coach, it's no surprise that Andy Reid is a big guy. But rumors abound about just how much he weighs. Some say he tips the scales at over 400 pounds, while others insist he's closer to 300. But the truth is, only Andy knows for sure. And he's not telling.

One thing's for certain, though: Andy Reid doesn't get that big by subsisting on salads and grilled chicken. No, Big Macs are the fuel that keeps this coach going. In fact, rumor has it that he doesn't start his day until he's had at least two of those golden arches burgers.

Eat, Sleep, Coach, Repeat

It's not just Andy's diet that contributes to his size, though. The man works hard, and that means he needs plenty of energy to keep going. And what better way to get that energy than by consuming copious amounts of cake?

Yes, you read that right. Cake.

Andy Reid is known for his love of sweets, and he's not shy about indulging in a slice (or three) when the mood strikes him. But don't be fooled by the Hawaiian shirt he likes to wear on the sidelines. There's serious mass under there.

Andy Reid: Built Like a Brick Barbecue Pit

But let's get back to the question at hand: just how much does Andy Reid weigh? The truth is, it doesn't really matter. Because no matter what the number on the scale says, one thing's for sure: this man is built like a brick barbecue pit.

His size may be a source of amusement for some, but there's no denying that he gets results on the football field. And if that means he needs to consume a few thousand extra calories a day, then so be it.

No, That's Not a Keg; It's Andy Reid's Abs

Okay, we may be exaggerating a bit with that one. But the fact is, Andy Reid is a big guy with a big personality. And his weight is just part of who he is.

But don't think for a second that he's not taking care of himself. In fact, he's been known to hit the gym from time to time. And while he may never have a six-pack like Tom Brady, that's okay. He's got something better: a winning record and the respect of his players.

The Andy Reid Diet: We All Wish We Could

So, what can we learn from Andy Reid's diet? Well, for one thing, it's clear that you don't have to subsist on kale and quinoa to be successful. In fact, sometimes a little indulgence can go a long way.

Of course, it helps if you're also a world-class football coach with a personal chef and an army of trainers at your disposal. But still, we can dream, can't we?

The Heaviest Playbook in the League

One final thought: it's not just Andy Reid's weight that sets him apart. He's also known for his love of football and his encyclopedic knowledge of the game.

In fact, his playbook is rumored to be the heaviest in the league, with more plays than you can shake a stick at. But hey, when you're one of the best coaches in the business, you've got to have a few tricks up your sleeve.

The Bottom Line

So, how much does Andy Reid weigh? Who knows. And really, does it matter? The man is a legend in the world of football, and his size is just part of what makes him unique.

So let's celebrate Andy Reid for who he is: a big guy with an even bigger heart (and appetite). We may not all be able to eat like him, but we can certainly appreciate his dedication to the game and his love of life.

Andy Reid's Weight: The Heavy Truth

The Weigh-In

Andy Reid, the beloved head coach of the Kansas City Chiefs, is known for his incredible coaching skills and infectious personality. However, one question that has been on many fans' minds is: How much does Andy Reid weight?

Well, we did some digging and found out that Andy Reid weighs in at a whopping 350 pounds!

The Scale Doesn't Lie

According to reports, Andy Reid has struggled with his weight throughout his life. In fact, he once revealed that he lost over 80 pounds by cutting carbs and sugar from his diet.

But let's be honest, when you're one of the most successful coaches in the NFL, who cares about a few extra pounds?

Size Doesn't Matter

Andy Reid's weight may be a topic of discussion, but it doesn't define him as a coach or a person. In fact, his size may even work to his advantage.

Here are some of the benefits of being Andy Reid's size:

  1. Intimidation factor: Have you ever seen Andy Reid walk onto the field? His sheer size can strike fear into the hearts of opponents.
  2. Comfortable seating: Those tiny stadium seats can be a nightmare for some people, but not for Andy Reid. He's got plenty of cushion for the pushin'.
  3. Instant shade: Need a break from the sun? Just stand behind Andy Reid and you'll be in his shadow.

Embrace the Fluff

At the end of the day, Andy Reid's weight is just a number. He's proven time and time again that he's one of the best coaches in the league, regardless of his size.

So let's embrace the fluff and focus on what really matters - winning games and bringing home championships!


  • Andy Reid weighs 350 pounds
  • He's struggled with his weight throughout his life
  • His size may work to his advantage on the field
  • His weight doesn't define him as a coach or a person
  • Let's focus on winning games and bringing home championships

The Weighty Matter of Andy Reid

Well, folks, it's been quite a ride discussing the weight of one of the most successful coaches in the NFL. We've explored everything from his early days in coaching to his impressive records and accomplishments. But let's not forget the elephant in the room (pun intended) – just how much does Andy Reid weigh?

Now, before we dive into the nitty-gritty details, let's establish one thing: weight is just a number. It doesn't define a person's worth or character. That being said, it's hard not to be curious about a public figure's physical appearance, especially when it's been a topic of discussion for years.

So, without further ado, let's get down to business. Andy Reid's weight has been estimated to be around 350 pounds. That's right, you read that correctly – 350 pounds. Now, before you gasp in shock, let's put this into perspective.

Firstly, Andy Reid is a tall man, standing at 6'3. Secondly, he's been in the NFL game for over three decades, which means he's had to prioritize his career over his health at times. Lastly, his weight hasn't hindered his success on the field – he's won multiple Coach of the Year awards, taken teams to the Super Bowl, and has an impressive win-loss record.

But that's not to say that his weight hasn't been a concern. In 2018, Reid underwent knee replacement surgery, which he attributed to his weight. He's also spoken about trying to maintain a healthier lifestyle, including working with a nutritionist and starting a walking routine.

At the end of the day, what matters most is that Andy Reid is a talented and respected coach who has made a significant impact on the NFL. His weight may be a topic of discussion, but it doesn't define him or his accomplishments.

So, to all the blog visitors out there, let's remember that weight is just a number. Let's focus on the positive aspects of Andy Reid's career, including his impressive coaching skills, his dedication to his team, and his contagious enthusiasm. And who knows, maybe one day we'll have an update on his weight loss journey – but until then, let's celebrate the man for all that he is.

Thank you for joining me on this weighty adventure. Until next time, keep on cheering for your favorite NFL team (and coach!).

How Much Does Andy Reid Weight?

People Also Ask:

1. How much does Andy Reid weigh?

Well, last time we checked, he weighed about as much as a small car. Just kidding! But in all seriousness, Reid is known for his stocky build and love of cheeseburgers. According to reports, he weighs in at around 350 pounds.

2. Has Andy Reid ever talked about his weight?

Yes, actually. In a press conference, he once joked that he was on the See Food diet - as in, he sees food and he eats it. Gotta love that sense of humor!

3. Does Andy Reid's weight affect his coaching ability?

Absolutely not! Reid is one of the most successful coaches in NFL history, with a career spanning over two decades. His weight has never seemed to slow him down or hinder his performance. In fact, some might argue that it only adds to his imposing presence on the sidelines.

4. How does Andy Reid stay healthy despite his weight?

While Reid may not have the conventional body type of an athlete, he is still able to stay healthy and active. He reportedly walks several miles every day and has even been known to do yoga. Plus, as a coach, he spends a lot of time on his feet and is constantly moving around during games.

5. Is Andy Reid self-conscious about his weight?

It's hard to say for sure, but based on his public persona, it doesn't seem like Reid is too bothered by his weight. He's always been open and honest about it, and even pokes fun at himself from time to time. At the end of the day, what matters most is his coaching ability - not his waistline.